Thursday, November 7, 2013

OS Protection against Cyberattacks

by James E. Gilbert
March 9, 2012

In virtually every arena of security, the mantra has become “defense-in-depth.”  The objective is not to rely on a single line of defense for protection but rather multiple layers of security to delay or deter an adversary.  This approach ensures that a single failed component will not leave the entire organization vulnerable.  Although this concept often applies to physical security, computers and their operating systems are no different in this regard.  It is just as crucial, if not more, to employ a layered strategy to protect operating systems.  If a cyberattack has the ability to reach “the system's foundation, it can render almost any form of system or application security useless” (MILS, 2011).  Administrators should consider a variety of defensive measures to protect their systems and networks beginning with the system development life cycle though when the units are put into use.  This approach should begin by choosing systems with purposely designed security functionality such as operating systems with Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) architecture or Trusted Platform Modules (TPM).  According to Carnegie Mellon's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), security built in is more secure, stable, and cost effective.  Rather than having to fix operational vulnerabilities post-implementation, the same organization can take the time to choose a system with security functionality deliberately built into the system’s core.  In one example, CERT identified a project which experienced numerous security flaws in the design.  Had the problems been resolved early on, the cost to the company would have been $500,000.  Since the requirement problems were not discovered until the end of the project, the cost skyrocketed to $2.5 million (CERT, 2012).  A robust security policy should also address a procedure for auditing user activity to ensure security features and authentication practices are being correctly enforced and not circumvented.  These defense measures possess both advantages and disadvantages however.  It is incumbent upon the organization’s system administrator to choose effective security solutions based on ease of implementation and associated management issues.  The following paper outlines these aspects as well as provides a ranking of the highlighted defense mechanisms with rationale supporting the recommendations.

“Standard commercial operating systems were not built for security” (MILS, 2011).  Too often the system development life cycle (SLDC) fails to include security activities in the initial requirements planning and design phases.  Although including security features after the system or program is completed provides some measure of security, it is not the ideal outcome.  According to the technology research company Gartner, a 50 percent reduction in vulnerabilities in pre-production software has the potential to eliminate 75 percent of incident response costs (Cheng, 2007).  Even though implementing these security features throughout the design of the operating system requires planning and forethought, the process has been shown to return enormous dividends, both in terms of money and security.  As result of these factors, systems with built-in security have become more popular.

MILS architecture represents an innovative approach to operating system security.  Rather than relying on concepts found in the Bell-LaPadula model, the system employs four primary security policies: “Information Flow, Data Isolation, Periods Processing, and Damage Limitation” (MILS, 2011).  As a result of the ability to separate security components into distinct and convenient elements, MILS architecture possesses the ability to protect the system from a variety of cyberattacks.  Advantages to this approach are numerous.  Objective Interface Systems (OIS), a company that markets this product, touts hardware reduction, increased security, and fewer design flaws among its many benefits.  A major disadvantage to this system however would be the relatively high cost to some organizations.  Although companies that market these systems insist that development costs are lower than upgraded commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) alternatives, this is relative to EAL-7 certified solutions.  For organizations that do not require high assurance systems, MILS architecture may prove cost prohibitive.

Implementation of securely designed operating systems is relatively straightforward.  Due to the ability to separate security components into manageable pieces, MILS-based architecture provides a streamlined platform for high assurance systems.  A management issue related to the employment of secure operating systems however has been the tremendous effectiveness of this approach.  As more and more organizations implement this solution for operating systems and software in general, attackers have begun to find ways to circumvent the process. 

Due to the relative success of this approach, hackers and crackers have moved away from attacking the operating systems directly and instead focused their efforts on hardware vulnerabilities.  This provides a new set of management considerations for organizations employing secure operating systems.  It necessitates a holistic approach to security in general encompassing an overall strategy.  Groups should not look at secure operating systems as the sole silver bullet for system defenses.  Rather, this security mechanism should be viewed as just one layer to an information security strategy that also employs hardened hardware, software, and personnel. 

Trusted Platform Module
Another embedded security mechanism is the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).  TPM is a cryptoprocessor designed as a hardware component mounted to the motherboard.  The TPM acts as a secure core with the capacity to provide “secure storage, secure reporting of platform configuration measurements, and cryptographic key generation” (Goodrich & Tamassia, 2010, p. 482).  Since its initial release, this product has shown to be a promising solution for increasing the security of computers and their core operating systems.  The configuration of a typical operating system is one of defense mechanisms that have been bolted on post-production.  Software patches and antivirus programs address emerging vulnerabilities in a purely reactionary fashion.  As cyberattacks continue to escalate in both number and sophistication, the community has sought a more proactive solution.  This in turn has created the necessity for embedded security features.  In addition to the cryptographic functionality the TPM chips offers, this solution also provides tamper-resistant protection. This ensures that operating systems are not only defended against software attacks but hardware and physical ones as well. 

The secure storage and cryptographic capabilities of each TPM chip is derived from “a unique RSA private key burned into the hardware at the time of production” (Goodrich & Tamassia, 2010, p. 482).  Similar to the MILS configuration, the TPM is a security solution with embedded defensive features deliberately built into the design.  In “safety-critical functions or financial transactions” where personal data is at risk, this type of approach is highly recommended (Aaraj, Raghunathan, & Jha, 2008, p. 8-2).  TPM however offers an additional benefit in that as a hardware solution, the chip offers a tamper-resistant configuration.  Similar to MILS, TPM is an expensive alternative to traditional operating systems.  In addition the chip is somewhat bulky and must be specially designed for the operating system it will be mounted to.  If the requirement however is to maintain a high assurance system, embedded technology such as TPM is proven to be a more secure and less expensive route than upgraded COTS systems.

The ease of implementing the TPM chip is similar to considerations for the MILS architecture.  This solution is an embedded design; the chip is physically attached to the motherboard and has specific processing and power limitations associated with it.  Not every commercially available machine has the ability to adapt this chip.  Even with these limitations, the enhanced security this approach offers has inspired a variety of vendors to incorporate this mechanism into a wide variety of desktops, laptops, and servers.  Computer companies as wide ranging as Dell, LG, and Toshiba now offer TPM integration on their machines.

Although the TPM chip is designed to be tamper-resistant, it is not impervious to physical attack.  A 2010 experiment conducted by security researcher Christopher Tarnovsky proved that it was indeed possible to recover unencrypted data from the chip.  In his research, Tarnovsky utilized a technique known as “microprobing” to physically recover unencrypted data from a TPM chip.  Using acid to meticulously remove the outer shell of the microprocessor, Tarnovsky was able to expose the chip’s core and recover secure data from the TPM.  Although effective, this technique required technical skill, months of work, and physical access to the device (Goodrich & Tamassia, 2010).  This attack illustrates is the need for management to provide a layered defense for information systems incorporating not only technical security but physical defenses as well.

Auditing, one of the key elements of access control, is the process of reviewing “whether adequate controls have been enabled in the operating system” (Sayana, 2003, p. 2).  Every operating system (OS) has a number of security features which can be disabled or varied based on organizational or administrative requirements.  Because the level of security of these features can be varied, it is incumbent upon the system’s administrator to vigilantly and regularly ensure they are functioning appropriately.  The process of auditing ensures that OS security is properly enabled and that “parameters have been set to values consistent with the security policy of the organization” (Sayana, 2003, p. 2).  This function also helps guarantee that individual users have appropriate access to system resources.  Auditing is so integral to the defense of an OS that both the Orange Book and Common Criteria include this concept as a primary component of system security.  Section C2 of the Department of Defense’s Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, also known as the Orange Book, specifies that audit capabilities be included in systems designed for this level of defense (Department of Defense, 1985).  Even after the Department of Defense moved to the Common Criteria, an emphasis on auditing was still included in the technical evaluation guide.  In the Common Criteria, operating systems are evaluated based on “security audit automatic response, data generation, analysis, audit review, event selection, and event storage” (Common Criteria, 2009).

The major advantages to auditing are availability and ease of implementation.  Virtually all operating systems have the ability to provide system administrators with some form of an audit file.  In addition, there are multitudes of software programs security professionals can employ to provide a more detailed or alternate view of audit-related information.  OS auditing can be tailored in any number of ways to suit various organizational requirements.  Commonly examined parameters include rules such as password aging, length, history, and number of unsuccessful login attempts.  System administrators can also use this technique to audit file and print servers as well as networks.  Due to the interconnections of information systems, all nodes should be viewed as potential risks to the operating system.  Auditing can detect unauthorized services running on a network or inappropriate user access to print servers.

The primary disadvantage to auditing is the amount of time needed to conduct a proper evaluation.  Although many software applications offer a great deal in the realm of automated functionality, proper OS auditing still requires a human being to interpret the results.  This necessitates a significant investment in IT man-hours.  In addition, some audits have the potential to require outside expertise.  According to Sayana, it is recommended that organizations with web servers or firewalls seek expert auditing assistance (Sayana, 2003).  In this case, the required financial expenditure associated with professional IT auditors might prove too high for some organizations.

The implementation of security auditing requires a system administrator with an intimate knowledge of the various features of the OS and users on the system.  In addition to knowing which services are authorized and what security parameters are enabled, it is also useful to obtain a list of user IDs and map individual permissions to their authorized data resources (Sayana, 2003).  The more an administrator knows of the operating system, its security parameters, and the authorized users and programs, the more complete the audit will be.

Management issues involving auditing entail potential disruption to the organization and its employees.  In addition to the individual required to conduct the audit, there may be lost man-hours due to an interruption in normal business activities.  When detailed audits occur, activities outside the norm must be resolved.  This can involve time spent questioning users as well as downtime for system resources until the issue is resolved.  For any successful auditing activities, it is important that there be managerial level support for the endeavor.

Although discussing the advantages and disadvantages of various OS security measures is important, it is also useful to provide a quantitative measure of their relative use.  Having a specific number ranking for each security mechanism provides a transparent tool for managerial decision-making.  The following discusses the relative benefits and weaknesses of three OS security measures: MILS, TPM, and Auditing.  These three mechanisms have been assessed based on their comparative advantages, disadvantages, ease of implementation, and related managerial issues.  A number ranking has been assigned for each category (3-Good, 2-Better, 1-Best) as well as an overall score based on the stated criteria. 

All three defense mechanisms provide some level of increased OS security.  And although it is difficult to exactly compare hardware solutions such as MILS and TPM with auditing, there are some inherent advantages to each.  Both MILS and TPM offer embedded security features.  Purposely designed mechanisms on both systems ensure fewer design flaws.  Although built-in security has proven to be a significant protection for operating systems, auditing provides a security feature for virtually every system.  Due to its availability and ease of implementation, auditing is estimated to be the most advantageous of the three discussed security mechanisms.  While MILS architecture also provides the added benefit of hardware reduction, TPM has the advantage of possessing a tamper-resistant form factor.  For this reason, TPM is ranked second best.

Similar to the rankings provided for the advantage’s category, each of the three aforementioned security measures also possess inherent weaknesses.  Although embedded security characteristics like those found in TPM and MILS are better suited for overall defense, this security comes at a cost.  Unless an organization’s mission necessitates a high assurance or EAL7 system, both security solutions may prove cost prohibitive.  Auditing on the other hand is a purely scalable security mechanism.  All operating systems have some method to audit files and virtually any system administrator can accomplish some level of this task.  Comprehensive assessments or audits of complex systems however may require outside expertise, which may expend significant amounts of both time and financial resources. Given these criteria, auditing is ranked best due to its overall applicability to a variety of operating systems.  Due to the processing and power consumption limitations associated with TPM chips, this mechanism is ranked last.


Ease of Implementation
Before any organization decides on a security measure, leadership must consider the ease of incorporating the solution into current configurations.  In this regard, MILS and TPM have an advantage in that both are straightforward systems with embedded security features.  Although TPM chips do possess power consumption and processing limitations, there is also a software solution available.  With this implementation, TPM functions are executed using software “in a protected execution domain on the embedded processor itself” (Aaraj et al., 2008, p. 8-2).  This translates into a potentially easier implementation.  Moreover, because there are already a number of commercially available products offering TPM protection, this solution is ranked first.  Although system auditing may not be difficult, done correctly it does require a dedicated IT or security professional with a detailed knowledge of the organization.  In many small businesses, retaining such an individual can become too expensive.  For this reason, auditing is ranked last. 

Ease of Implementation

Management Issues
The last criterion to evaluate is the potential management related implications associated with each defense mechanism.  Because both MILS and TPM are hardware related, they represent a hardened operating system.  Although this is better for OS security, it in turn has led attackers to seek less defended points of entry into computer systems.  As a result, management must ensure their organizations employ a multilayer security plan incorporating physical and personnel security as well as technical.  Due to a fairly recent and successful attack on the TPM chip, the MILS architecture is ranked best in this category.  Although auditing does not possess the same management limitations as MILS or TPM, there can be potential organizational disruptions associated with this security feature.  Thorough audits often involve resolving issues, which in turn can cause system downtime and interruptions to normal business activities.  For this reason, auditing is ranked last.
Management Issues

After calculating the rankings from four factors (advantages, disadvantages, ease of implementation, and management issues), it is clear that all three security mechanisms discussed in this paper have their individual merits and specific uses.  Combining the four categories, TPM and auditing were tied for the best defensive measure while MILS architecture came in a close second with only a one point difference.  A review of the individual tools indicates that each one has benefits and potential limitations associated with them.  As a result, it can be inferred that the most effective means of protecting an operating system is a defense-in-depth approach incorporating a combination of security solutions.

Overall Ranking
1 (8)
1 (8)
2 (9)

Aaraj, N., Raghunathan, A., & Jha, N. K. (2008). Analysis and design of a hardware/software trusted platform module for embedded systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 8(1), 8-8-31, doi:10.1145/1457246.1457254

CERT Spotlight: Building security in from the ground up. CERT. Retrieved from

Cheng, K. H. (2007). Baking in security during the systems development life cycle. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, March, 22-25. Retrieved from

Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation. (2009). Retrieved from

Department of Defense. (1985). Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria. Retrieved from

Goodrich, M. T. & Tamassia, R. (2010). Introduction to computer security. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

McAfee Labs. (2011). 2012 threats prediction. McAfee. Retrieved from
MILS: Multiple Independent Levels of Security. (2011). Objective Interface Systems (OIS). Retrieved from /Products/mils-technical-primer.html

Sayana, A. (2003). Auditing OS and database controls. Information Systems Control Journal, 3, p. 1-3. Retrieved from

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